Incubationer LTD

Problems people have faced with mosquito bites

Recent coverage of Cheryl Coles fight against Malaria after a break away in Tanzania in June is proof that you can never be too prepared when you go away on holiday...
Even after taking a full course of Malaria tablets before she travelled, Cheryl Cole still managed to contract one of the rare forms of Malaria that is resistant to drugs, and consequently had to spend weeks recovering in hospital and at her Surrey home.

Symptoms of Malaria

One of the many problems with mosquito bites is that they take days/weeks to exhibit themselves, putting your body at risk of long term health complications.
Malaria in particular (which is popular in tropical and sub-tropical regions) takes 6-14 days to incubate after infection, resulting in fever, shivering, joint pain, vomiting, anaemia, retina damage, convulsions and if left untreated: hallucinations, comas and even death.
Fortunately there a number of precautions you can take to help protect you and your family from mosquito bites, such as anti-malarial drugs and vaccines. However, as Cheryl Cole’s story clearly shows, even drugs cannot provide you with the full protection you need, especially as mosquitoes are developing a higher resistance to anti-malarial drugs.

How to protect your body

You can never do too much to protect your skin from mosquito bites. Alongside completing a full course of Malaria tablets, it is advisable that you take with you a number of other precautions to ensure 100% safety against all mosquito related diseases.
  • Patches – applied directly to your skin, patches such as Mosquito Patch can effectively protect you from The West Nile Virus, Malaria, Yellow Fever, Encephalitis and Dengue Fever.

    Safe for use by your whole family, Mosquito Patch contains 75mg of Thiamine that is subtly excreted from your body via your urine, sweat and breathe causing your natural aroma to change and smell unappetising to mosquitoes for over 24 hours.
  • Sprays – lethal to all forms of insects, ladybirds and butterflies too, sprays are effective for 2-4 hours when sprayed directly into the air. However, like many pesticides, those who have survived will after 6 generations of offspring will be resistant to your mosquito spray, so you will need to change your spray every couple of months.

    Insect repellents can range in effectiveness depending on whether they are synthetic or natural. Synthetic insect repellents last for up to 2 hours on your skin, whilst natural repellents such as neem oil, citronella oil and lemon eucalyptus are at their most effective the first 30-60 minutes after application. Because of their limited effectiveness, you will need to reapply these sprays every 1-2 hours.

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